Bulgarian Poetry in English: D. Debelyanov — Remember, remember…
Remember? Remember the quiet old yard,
The quiet old house in the white cherry blooms?—
Oh, please, do not shimmer in my prisoned heart
Meaningless mem’ries and faraway glooms—
For I am imprisoned behind gloomy bars,
Meaningless mem’ries and faraway glooms
For my own dishonour is my trusted guard
And my castigation—a past that still looms.
Remember? Recall in the quiet old yard
The whispers and laughs in the white cherry blooms?—
Oh, please, do not wake up the luminous choir
The choir of Angels—a past that still looms—
I am but imprisoned behind gloomy bars,
Meaningless mem’ries and faraway glooms,
A dream, oh, a dream was the quiet old yard,
A dream were the cherries afloat in white blooms!
D. Debelyanov, (c) 2015, Translated by Petko Hinov,
20 August, 2015, Bogatovo